Nate Wessel


Charta Vitae

Started: 2012-12-04 and still going

Sometimes I think that I edit OpenStreetMap waaay too much. I even did it today, probably. Go ahead and check.

Sometimes my work is directed toward some project, sometimes it’s just a compulsive way to kill time in a slightly useful way. I’ve found a way to integrate OSM data into just about every carto/GIS project I’ve worked on in the last 5 or so years, from the bike map to the risk project and pretty much everything in between.

I’ve gone to OSM conferences, initiated imports, interrupted imports, made very questionable edits (in the beginning) and (more recently) helped to revert other people’s questionable edits. It’s a neat little (though growing) community of people. Sometimes we even get together in person!

And the map just keeps on getting better and more complete and more useful – it’s one of those positive feedback loops.


Components of this project include:

Causal links to the following projects:

Causal links from the following projects: