Nate Wessel

NARSC 2016

Charta Vitae

Happened on 2016-11-11

North American Regional Science Council, 2016 annual conference

Presenting: Social Interaction Potential and Employment Patterns Across US MSAs

This was in Minneapolis, and Daniel was attending as well, which was a nice chance to catch up; we stayed together in a rented room downtown. I flew out of Toronto the day after the disastrous election of 2016 which, let me tell you, was an interesting line to stand in at the airport, among a bunch of groggy Americans wondering why on earth they were going back there any more and Canadians wondering if it was safe or reasonable to head any further south than they absolutely had to.

On one of the nights, a surprisingly large protest passed under our window on the street below shouting “not my president” and so on. We were tempted to join by the sentiment, but restrained by the sense that the election was fair if the electors misguided.

We spent a nice evening with another friend from Cincinnati who happened to be living there. All participants in the great Ohio Diaspora.


Component of: Social Interaction Potential